We understand that candidates are the lifeblood of our organisation and pride ourselves on our consultative approach to ensure we help you build your career, rather than just finding the next job for you.

Candidate Support - What you can expect from Stack

Helping you to build a successful and rewarding career is the number one priority for Stack.

We place great importance on establishing a relationship with you that will last throughout your entire career.  Long term relationships are based on trust, we aim to build trust with you by giving you the best advice at each stage of the process.

With a network into most of the leading tech businesses in Australia, Stack can help you land that next step in your career.

Some further elements of the Stack candidate offering…

  • Social Media – Help you with your personal branding across popular social channels like LinkedIn and Twitter.

  • Resume Advice - We can help you with your resume and make sure it’s the best it can be before sending it.            

  • Salary Market Check – Not sure where you should be pitching yourself at for the next role. Just ask.

  • Interview Prep – Not interviewed for a while….no problem. We can talk you through the biggest do’s and don’ts and smaller nuances to ensure success from the get go!


Looking for a job? Drop us a line to chat further…